CORE MultiChain AMA Session March 2022, Full Transcript

6 min readApr 7, 2022


The second AMA session of CORE MultiChain project team in a few minutes with, Mr. David Levy.

David Levy — CORE MultiChain R&D Team Leader.


David if you are here, I would like to start the session and ask you the first question.

The questions are raised and asked here in this group by our valuable community members.

David Levy:

Greetings from the CORE Team to the CORE Community

I hope everyone is doing well


Thanks, David for your time. I’ll start our session right now with our first question.

How can we, as members of the community and investors, track the progress of developers and programmers in the form of a project plan?

David Levy:

The growth and transparency website is currently being developed and will be available within the next month. You will be able to track the live growth and progress of the CORE MultiChain project on that website in complete transparency.


Are you talking about April 2022?

David Levy:

Definitely, Yes!


When will we be able to stake using your website, and how?

David Levy:

On-chain staking is complete and will be available in the coming days. Staking will be conducted on BSC, which means that only CMCX-BEP20 tokens can be staked. But we haven’t forgotten about our CMCX-TRC20 and ERC20 token holders. We have provided a bridge-like alternative for you to stake your TRC20 and ERC20 tokens using BEP20.



For a period, it seemed the team or developer was controlling the market’s volatility, and CMCX was going gradually on an increasing rhythm up. But all of a sudden, we all saw it was left alone to itself with no support on falls. What is the reason? Why did you control the price before, and why do you seem you are not doing it anymore?

David Levy:

The CORE team does not control the price, and recent events have impacted the whole crypto market, including CMCX (a newcomer to the market). There is no denying the gap in recovery time, but we prefer a steady and healthy rebound under improved market conditions.


Is there a plan in place to burn tokens?

David Levy:

Yes! According to our vesting contract, a significant number of tokens will be burnt when the release process begins. The burn schedule may be seen in the vesting announcement and the contract on the Ethereum chain.


Was the team involved in the price drop to 0.02 USDT?

David Levy:

The price drop was a result of the overall market collapse, and the CORE team was not responsible for it.


Will the event, which will take place in April and is sponsored by the CMCX team, take place at the announced time?

David Levy:

The CORE is one of the sponsors of the RWC 2022 event, which will take place at the time specified following an earlier discussion with the organizing team. Of course, if no unanticipated disaster occurs!


Why is the trading volume so low, and what are your plans to avoid the sales pressure as the first staking expiration approaches? The CMCX has fallen sharply, and trading volume is extremely low.

David Levy:

Taking recent market events into account, we had some price declines, just like any other cryptocurrency. The marketing team is working on the issue to ensure that we regain our early growth. At the same time, the CORE Technical team is constantly at work developing new products and platforms to help the project evolve further.


I’m gonna ask you David to please stay with us longer than it was planned, as so many questions of our community members are still left.

David Levy:

Sure, please go ahead!


Do you plan to onboard any venture capitalist (VC)? If yes, can you share their name, and how soon can you onboard them? If not, have you considered it?

David Levy:

No. The CORE Vision has always been opposed to venture capital and big Tech dominance. CORE’s ideology differs significantly from those of other blockchain initiatives. We seek to give individuals, not venture capitalists or governments, ownership over the CORE.


Why do they constantly change the program (like site staking) is fine, but it is better to go ahead with their schedule?

David Levy:

Our aim is to follow the market’s trend. If the team deems it essential, we will add, amend, or change some of the plan specifics based on market dynamics. This is also explicitly stated on the CORE MultiChain website. These modifications will benefit your investment.


What’s your plan to attract investors, and what have you done till now??

David Levy:

Our team is constantly working on developing new products in order to attract more users, however, marketing is not my area of expertise. The next AMA session, though, will be with the marketing team.


Why isn’t the Coin Market Cap updated?

David Levy:

We have sent the necessary documents as well as a request to check the Market Cap and other project data, and we are awaiting their response. Nonetheless, we are continually communicating to guarantee that it is completed as quickly as feasible.


For several months, it has been said that we will be listed in several new exchange offices; why did it take so long?

David Levy:

The exchange listing, as mentioned in the previous AMA, might take months to complete. However, we delivered Bittrex Exchange listing few days after the previous session.


In your roadmap, there is Core Gravity. Are you going to launch this month (Q1)? And can you explain the concept of Core Gravity? will we get free NFTs? How is your progress on this matter?

David Levy:

CORE Gravity is an online Play-to-Earn game platform that allows you to earn NFTs. The Gravity team is approaching the end of its development and testing before the launch event to ensure that users get a one-of-a-kind blockchain-based gaming experience.


Wow it’s interesting.

Can we have it launched in Q1, David?

David Levy:

We will make every effort to do so :)


When CMCX will go for new listings, and on which exchanges and platforms?

David Levy:

We have got listing confirmations from top-tier exchanges, however, the listing time will be determined by them. Regardless of how eager we are to publish their names, we are not permitted to do so until their formal announcement, according to the listing contract.


Who are the team members and developers? What are the track records of the team members and founders in crypto rather than CMCX?

David Levy:

We are pleased to inform you that in the coming months, we will be gearing up an exciting surprise linked to the team behind the CORE MultiChain project.


The team has a very poor performance in introducing, advertising, and attracting capital. What are your plans? When do updates and listings happen in large exchange offices?

David Levy:

As I indicated before in this session, I’m not involved in marketing since I’m on the R&D Team; nevertheless, any marketing-related questions will be answered during our Marketing AMA.


What document is there to prove the test of 50000 TPS?

David Levy:

We will provide the test metrics and documentation on the official website whenever the test-net is completed.


David, thanks again. It’s already 90 minutes passed and I’m sure that still there are a lot to discuss. But I’m going to ask you the last one for today.

Could you update us about the latest project’s progress as per the roadmap?

David Levy:

The CORE team is now focusing on developing innovative products that could benefit holders in the short term (Academy, Gravity, Staking, etc.) We have postponed the community-based activities for the time being because our community is still growing. However, main products such as test-net, are being developed in accordance with the original plan.


Thanks again David.

I would like to grab this opportunity to thank all our members and investors as well for their valuable questions and concerns.

We in CORE MultiChain team are honorably doing our best to make sure that your interests are protected.

David Levy:

Last but not least, for today’s session surprise, I’d like to share some screenshots of our next products and developments, such as Academy, Growth and Transparency, and staking with our community for the first time.

I wish you all a wonderful weekend.








Sounds awesome, please.

Thanks again David, and thanks to everyone in the group.

Stay Tuned.




Written by Catena

Catena Ecosystem | Official Blog

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